Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No more mullet!

We finally did it! Emma's first haircut!! I took her over to First Cut at Mission Mall where they have rockets as chairs and a TV at every station but she still ended up in my lap! It turned out being a really fun experience and we left smiling and laughing and I cannot believe how different she looks!! She especially loved the certificate for "surviving her 1st haircut" and lollipop they gave her when we were all finished. It will take a little time to get use to but I think she looks adorable and it was long overdue!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Very, Very Thankful!

We spent a great week in Arizona with my family for Thanksgiving. There were 25 of us in all and it was chaotic, crazy, and so much fun! It always goes by too fast! Because we will not be together for Christmas, we combine the holidays and this year we even got to go on the Polar Express where we actually took a train up to the North Pole, ate cookies, drank hot chocolate, sang songs, and met Santa Claus! Other highlights were of course the girls' days shopping, scrappin, and baby shower at Bamboo Club, Thanksgiving dinner, USC 44- ASU 24, golfing, frisbee golf, guitar hero, late night Office reruns and QT drinks and watching Emma have such a fun time with all her cousins! Even though she's hesitant with her aunts and uncles...I know she adores them and I am very grateful she has them in her life. I am also very thankful for parents who give us these opportunities to all be together! Thanks for a great week! We love you!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Our "Buggie" Halloween

We had a great Halloween this year, after some bribing with "popsios" and candy, we got Emma not only into her lady bug costume but got her to leave it on (minus the hat!) for our rescheduled Trunk or Treat on Tuesday night. She was a little hesitant at first, but once that sugar kicked in, she was off and running. Chris added 2 more pumpkins to his collection...a headless horseman and Mr. Incredible. They're always a big hit! Wednesday morning we headed off to Music Makers where the kids dressed up for a costume parade and sang and marched to Halloween songs. Emma enjoys being with her little friends, especially her boyfriend, Conner and her new lady bug friend, Madeline. Later that day we visited daddy at work to show our little lady bug off and came home to search for a mysterious black cat that is always lurking around. We ended our Halloween with a party at the Wellings. There was lots of yummy food and good friends and it was great to see the kids in their costumes one last time. Thanks Elise!! To say the least, Emma was wired but completely exhausted by the end of all the festivities. We can't wait for next year!