Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ward Christmas Party

Since we haven't done the mall santa, only waved from a comfortable distance, this was Taylor's first encounter.  She was nice and comfy on his lap, so we lived it up knowing that it would probably be another 3-4 years till she'll do that again.  Emma was very excited to give him her letter, I didn't think for a second that she would get in touching range of him, so I was happy enough with her handing the letter in daddy's arms and had no intention of pushing it!  For memory's sake, I've posted her picture with Santa...I remember that day like it was yesterday.  She was not as comfortable as Taylor was...we had about 3 seconds to get that picture. 
This is my favorite Emma smile! She was in heaven with the crafts they had for the was almost better than seeing Santa.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not a bad way...

to end a hard day!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our little sheep

Today in Emma's Nursery, the children put on the Nativity for their families. It was so sweet and I was so proud of my little sheep.  Emma has been talking about this all week...her sheep ears and how she was to sit on her knees with her hands tucked into her hip.  I, of course, was beyond excited for her first little production!!  Although I was trying not get my hopes up too high and not expect too much, she surprised us and did not move from her little position.  They sang "Twinkle, Twinkle" when the Angel appeared and they ended with us all singing "Silent Night".  It will definitely be remembered as one my favorite mommy moments!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas at Disneyland

What could be better than this...Disneyland, Christmas, Small World is Back!!, Reindeer, Lots of Pooh, 3 Best Little Friends.  Really, 3 babies and 3 crazy, wild, running and climbing toddlers. What can I say, I think I've made up for my lack of involvement over the past few weeks!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Twilight Coma

Here's what I've been up to:

New Moon
Breaking Dawn

Throw in the movie here and there and some more and lots of debating over Edward vs. Jacob, and yes, telling a 15 year old at church (whom I've never spoken to before) that I wish there'd be more honeymoon details...if you know what I mean.  But I came to, back to life so to speak, at about 5am Monday morning realizing that I now only have 2 weeks left until Christmas.  For me, it was as if time had completely stopped.  But sadly that's not the case and now I am in pure "go" mode.  But I would be lying if I said it wasn't worth it.  I loved these books.  Understatement. I want more Edward and Bella.  Good news, the books are on tape and I've heard it's a whole new experience!  Lucky for Chris. Other good news, the soundtrack is great and in my CD player as I write...thanks Janae!

So, in an effort to get back with it...we went out for FHE to pick out our tree and to get this house in appropriate holiday fashion.  Each year holidays seem to get more fun...Emma loves to talk about Christmas and is holding me to every spoken detail!
(Emma's ornament for this year, a Santa bell....Taylor got a gingerbread man)  
 More to come...but until then, I hope everyone is enjoying this time of year!