Saturday, January 31, 2009

Princess Emma

Last Thursday, Emma graduated on to the Disney Princesses.  I have been avoiding this for as long as possible!  There is something about going from Mickey Mouse to Cinderella that makes me feel like Emma's growing up.  Which I like to believe she's not. But when Janae invited us to the Princess Fantasy Faire at Disneyland with her and Madeline, I knew it was time!  So I decided to really embrace it...thank you to my neighbor, her trash became a special part of the day and Emma woke up to a new Tinkerbell backpack full of the necessary items when meeting a princess.  She was so say the least...!  

And magical it was!  Full of hugs and kisses and compliments for the girls.  I was amazed at how they moved so perfectly and plastic-esque!  They were wonderful and so sweet with her. It took her to the 3rd and last Princess to really warm up but she is now completely smitten. 
I don't think a day has passed that Emma hasn't said how much Belle loves her and how beautiful Cinderella is.  And I don't think I've gone a day without buying something with a princess on it. We'll be back soon and lots, I'm sure of it!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Chris just left for work. And some mornings when I hear that dreaded shut of the door, I get very jealous. Jealous that he gets an uninterrupted 15 minute drive to work. Jealous that he gets adult interaction for the next 8 hours and so on and so on.

Then a moment like this comes...
and I am quickly reminded that I am the lucky one.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Now for more current news...

I've got 2 sick kids and one sick hubby.  And one trip to Florida that needs to be made soon!  I realized that Emma definitely takes after me when it comes to her sick needs.  She likes to be on the couch with her "sick blanket" and her "sick crackers".  She likes to share the love.  

We also build forts on sick days, it has become tradition...
(Check out this pic, Emma is in mid-sneeze, it is so fantastic!!)
Can you match the parent with the fort?

And who doesn't love the nebulizer? 
Tonight when putting it on, she said..."Just like Papa's, Papa's elephant mask"...followed by her famous elephant sound!

Here's to a healthier tomorrow!


A few weekends ago, my cousin Tofer was married to Carolina, who was so beautiful and who I can't believe I don't have one picture of!  This makes 3 weddings for the Miles' in the past year which is always great because it means reconnecting with them and having my Mom here for a day or so!  My Dad couldn't make it, he was too busy golfing with Elder Bednar...geez!

Mom arrived with matching outfits for the girls that were adorable and Emma welcomed her with her... BED.  Welcomed, danced, shouted, ran and jumped.  She was very very very (yes, that's 3 verys) excited as was I.  We spent the next day at the Spectrum having lunch, riding the carasol and getting soaked (well one of us at least). 

The wedding was that night in Dana Point right on the harbor.
Meet Trey.  A Tofer in the making.  This little boy, absolute cutie, took a quick liking to Emma and her the same to him.  When it came time for the dancing, he walked right up, put out his hand and asked her to dance with him.  She hesitantly followed.  Once on the dance floor, he ripped off his jacket and threw it on the table.  Next his tie.  Have I mentioned he's 4!  And then the dancing began.  He came at her with moves I have never seen before, think Elaine from Seinfeld mixed in with a little MJ.  He had eyes only for Emma.  She quickly fell in love and they danced hand in hand.  Then I remembered, I had seen those moves before.  Anyone remember Heidi's wedding at Knott's?  Tofer spinning on the ground, ring a bell?  It's in the genes.  He was adorable. I was in love for that matter.  At the end of the night, he followed us out as we left.  One hug for me and one for Emma.  We'll miss you, Trey!!

Tofer is pretty much the closest thing I have to a little brother and although adulthood has separated us some, it always feels like no time has passed when we hook back up. {If I might add, we will never live down our horrible act of stupidity at Jacy's wedding reception. I think I am reminded of that every time our families get together. Oh, how I use to love attention!}  Congratulations to Tofer and Carolina!  They make a beautiful couple! 

Now we just need to get all of those Miles' blogging...a little shout out to Cori. If you haven't heard or seen...she has a blog. Check it out here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Post

Emma just told me a 5 minute story about a rhinoceros with the hiccups.
Life is good.
We are alive.
And I will return to a more regular blogging schedule soon.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Happy New Year!

Lots and lots of food, Wii, Rockband, Games and one very loud yet entertaining tour of the local Christmas lights accompanied by "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" courtesy of Emma!  It was a great way to ring in the New Year!

Name that tune?? Bless your heart, Jacy!

We wish everyone a happy, healthy and a very rockin' 2009!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Special Gift and Stockings

I just have to show off one of my gifts from Chris, he always out does me no matter how hard I try!  Anyways, I thought my blogging friends would appreciate this..
It really is so nice inside and has renewed my blogging efforts knowing that I could get a hard copy every year.

STOCKINGS are big in our family and since hitting the adult ages, instead of "santa" filling them up...we fill eachother's stockings.  It's super fun and usually very funny...and there's usually one gift that will break out all the cameras.  This year it was....


from Mom.  If interested in the history of this sexy peal go here.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Morning

Really, I don't think it could be any better than waking up to these faces on Christmas morning!  You could just see it in Emma's eyes, she believed.  It was awesome.  

My favorite emma reaction to a present this year...her Princess Bike from Grandma and Papa!  Here's a small clip...

Christmas Eve Fun

I've always loved Christmas Eve at my parent's house and even at 29 it still does not disappoint! Although we've lost a few traditions along the way (I hear the candlesticks are going to make a big come back next year!), we've kept most of them and added a few others. There's the big Turkey dinner which is always rushed by excitement to open one Christmas Eve gift. I learned Em has a little of Jacy in her...she could not control herself when it came to sneaking a peek! Then on to our Christmas Program...which sounds official, and some years we try to make it a little more prepared and official, but really it's just filled with lots of laughter, singing (bravo to Jazz), bells, and reading the account of Christ's birth.

Here's a sample below...pretty much a good indication of the noise level for the next 12 days! But who would have wanted it any other way? Don't answer that.

We end the night with tracking Santa and making up our plate of goodies to leave by the fireplace...