Wednesday, October 29, 2008


FHE Arizona Style

Monday night we met up with Alisa and Jacy's families for FHE at Westgate. It was a perfect AZ night and a highlight of the trip so far. AND a definite step in the right direction for the Shepherd FHE's. Any guesses on what dad is doing with the kids?!

Love these ladies! Love this family.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Fun

Well Bree would be proud...we've managed to stretch out the Halloween fun to 2 weeks. Here's week #1...

I was really excited for this...we missed it last year and I kept imagining a cool crisp fall day picking out pumpkins. Sadly, it was 95 degrees outside. Happily, Emma picked out the first pumpkin she saw, one for her and one for sister, and we were in and out of there in 20minutes. Would have been 10 but she discovered these tents with drums inside. I was happy for some shade.

Welling Halloween Party
This was definitely not a disappointment! Everything was so great and I was excited to be able to celebrate Halloween with friends before heading out to Arizona to celebrate with family! Emma was excited to finally wear her costume out and I couldn't wait to see my butterfly and caterpillar together! Thank you Welling family. And a special thanks to Emma for being the party photographer!
Arizona, Arizona, Arizona!! I love coming here. As much as I do come here, it has been 10 years since my last Halloween in AZ, yes...I am old and that became crystal clear at the parents Trunk-or-Treat when the little girls I remember as toddlers were very unfamiliar teenagers. Nonetheless, it was a great night. This is Emma's first year getting to actually Trick-or-Treat and she was not let down, either was I. As cautious as she is with strangers...if she had to go up and say those 3 magic words to get a piece of candy, she was going to do it. She followed her older cousins around and was amazed at all this candy that was now hers. I was amazed at my baby who is now officially a big girl.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Taylor and Emma Happenings

Taylor rolled over from tummy to back about a month ago, so we were excited when she finally rolled back to tummy last Monday. And if she's not rolling over fast enough, thankfully she has Emma who LOVES to give her a little help!
Thanks to a friend who lent us the BUMBO!  I think it is so hilarious, all head with some feet sticking out.
I LOVE this pic of Tae.  Mom gave me this bear for her last Christmas, Emma quickly claimed it and it became "Mr. Bear", but when no one was looking, Taylor got some snuggling time with it and I think may claim this one thing back...evenutally!
Well I can't have "Taylor Happenings" without mentioning her being so sick.  She has spent over 2 weeks now with such a horrible respiratory blahhh.  Her long tongue has come in handy though, licking away the yummy drainings from her nose!  
What else? Still totally uninterested in actual food but she is sleeping through the night and going to bed at the same time as Emma!  We have our nights back!  And btw, as a follow up to a previous post...I definitely prefer nighttime sleep.  She really has become such a content little baby, not real eager to move on to the next step.  Easy to smile.  LOVES her sis.  Wish I could just have a whole day to snuggle her!
We LOVE and adore you, Tae!

What's going on with Emma...

LOVES to be the big sister...I've been thinking a lot about this recently and how much she has changed and had to deal with change over the past 5 months.  She went from my baby to a big girl so quickly.
However, with that have come more and more pre-teen moments
But she never lets us down...always entertaining and making us laugh
And it's a miracle!  Emma is going to Nursery...HAPPILY and by herself!!  It wasn't more than a week before when I left her yelling, I have to throw up.   It's truly amazing.  Big shout out to her teachers who will never read this...but they are the best.  I've heard she now follows them around hugging their legs telling them i LOVE you so much!  
First day of Music Makers...
Imitating our reactions to her taking pictures of us!
I can't get over how much they soak everything in.  Many times I hear her repeating conversations we've had and she LOVES to ask me a question but answer it before I can in what she thinks is my tone of voice...this can either be very funny or very scary. I LOVE this picture of her strolling her doll all while making sure to shade her with a blanket from the sun.
What else, you ask.  She LOVES cartoons.  LOVES new books, watching pictures and playing with friends.   LOVES her choo-choo puzzle.  I have a love-hate relationship with this puzzle.  Since receiving this in July, there hasn't been a day that's gone by that this puzzle has not been requested.  Multiple times.  Do the math! But it's been fun to watch her learn letters, animals, and how to put a puzzle together.  She LOVES to whisper in our ears and speak in 3rd person and is becoming very very sneaky.  LOVES to dance and sing the Hokey-Pokey.  LOVES to ask for 2 more minutes.  LOVES to help Mommy and go to the park with Daddy.  And LOVES story time while snuggled up in bed. 
We LOVE you, Emma!

If you haven't noticed yet, I absolutely LOVE having 2 kids.  I really really do.  

Friday, October 17, 2008

A picture says a thousand words

Emma's best effort at trying to get our attention during General Conference.  At the time of taking this picture, I was thinking to myself, oh how church has changed since having kids. Obviously not having a clue about the talk that was being given.   Then I uploaded the picture and looked a little closer at the fine print.  And laughed.  Quiet interval?  What's that?

Monday, October 13, 2008

A great way to start my morning...

Snuggling has become a morning ritual around here...thankfully it's an equally appreciated lovefest.  I know things can change fast, so I cherish these moments!

The kids will rock...

Some pics from when I was away...what a fun daddy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One Rejuvenated Momma

Just got back from a quick little getaway to Arizona to spend the day with 2 of my sisters and to see the So You Think You Can Dance tour.  And it was all fabulously fantastic.  The airport experience isn't so bad after all!  I had just forgotten.  Everything was so relaxing.  Great to be with sisters.  Great to watch incredible dancing.  Great seats.  It was all so great! 

Opening number
Will~ my favorite dancer
Twitch~ steals the show!
...really stole the show when his pants ripped right where you don't want your pants to rip at the beginning of the last group number!

My favorite group number
Moments were bittersweet for me.  I regret not continuing with dance.  Not because I miss performing, but because it gave me something that nothing else can.  But how inspiring.

I love my kids, but a little break helps me to realize that just a little bit more!  To top it all off, I came home to a spotless house and a toilet pooping girl!  Can you believe it.  Just before leaving I gave Chris a 5 minute tutorial on positive reinforcement EVEN if Emma goes in her panties, something I've been dealing with for weeks.  Not even 30 minutes after landing in AZ did I get a call from a little girl telling me she pooped in the toilet.  What!!??  Little sad I missed her first time but I got the play by play at midnight after the show.  Something is so wrong with that.

Thank you Chris for knowing me so well and giving me something that was just the perfect getaway!