Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ward Christmas Party

Since we haven't done the mall santa, only waved from a comfortable distance, this was Taylor's first encounter.  She was nice and comfy on his lap, so we lived it up knowing that it would probably be another 3-4 years till she'll do that again.  Emma was very excited to give him her letter, I didn't think for a second that she would get in touching range of him, so I was happy enough with her handing the letter in daddy's arms and had no intention of pushing it!  For memory's sake, I've posted her picture with Santa...I remember that day like it was yesterday.  She was not as comfortable as Taylor was...we had about 3 seconds to get that picture. 
This is my favorite Emma smile! She was in heaven with the crafts they had for the was almost better than seeing Santa.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not a bad way...

to end a hard day!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our little sheep

Today in Emma's Nursery, the children put on the Nativity for their families. It was so sweet and I was so proud of my little sheep.  Emma has been talking about this all week...her sheep ears and how she was to sit on her knees with her hands tucked into her hip.  I, of course, was beyond excited for her first little production!!  Although I was trying not get my hopes up too high and not expect too much, she surprised us and did not move from her little position.  They sang "Twinkle, Twinkle" when the Angel appeared and they ended with us all singing "Silent Night".  It will definitely be remembered as one my favorite mommy moments!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas at Disneyland

What could be better than this...Disneyland, Christmas, Small World is Back!!, Reindeer, Lots of Pooh, 3 Best Little Friends.  Really, 3 babies and 3 crazy, wild, running and climbing toddlers. What can I say, I think I've made up for my lack of involvement over the past few weeks!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Twilight Coma

Here's what I've been up to:

New Moon
Breaking Dawn

Throw in the movie here and there and some more and lots of debating over Edward vs. Jacob, and yes, telling a 15 year old at church (whom I've never spoken to before) that I wish there'd be more honeymoon details...if you know what I mean.  But I came to, back to life so to speak, at about 5am Monday morning realizing that I now only have 2 weeks left until Christmas.  For me, it was as if time had completely stopped.  But sadly that's not the case and now I am in pure "go" mode.  But I would be lying if I said it wasn't worth it.  I loved these books.  Understatement. I want more Edward and Bella.  Good news, the books are on tape and I've heard it's a whole new experience!  Lucky for Chris. Other good news, the soundtrack is great and in my CD player as I write...thanks Janae!

So, in an effort to get back with it...we went out for FHE to pick out our tree and to get this house in appropriate holiday fashion.  Each year holidays seem to get more fun...Emma loves to talk about Christmas and is holding me to every spoken detail!
(Emma's ornament for this year, a Santa bell....Taylor got a gingerbread man)  
 More to come...but until then, I hope everyone is enjoying this time of year!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

i HEART Edward

Last night at 7pm, I was first in line with some of my girlfriends for the 8:30 showing of Twilight. We pretty much formed the line. Not really expecting more than just a good girls night out, I got much more than I bargained for! I know this may come as a surprise to many of you, it was definitely a surprise for me, but I absolutely loved this movie! I was laughing all week long about the craze surrounding Twilight. Now I am the craze. If you are looking for me this week, I will be locked in my room with the book in hand trying to get to the next. And skipping around to aforementioned parts reading over and over. 

Thanks girls for such a fun night out! 

**Update: Well, probably nothing that most of you don't already know, but the book is even better than the movie.  Way better.  Difficult to put down. Why didn't someone force me to read this earlier?!  All those awkward conversations about twilight where I'd sit silent, now...I'm ready to discuss!!  But I do need to get my kids who are patiently (not really) waiting for me to get them up and fed! More later, I'm sure.  I know that excites you Bree.  And Alisa, find the time!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I think this pic is appropriate at this time...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Go Utes!

After watching this clip I think we will be rooting for the Utes tomorrow.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Call.

On Friday my parents had a televised interview with President Uchtdorf and were called to serve as Mission President and Companion beginning July 1st for 3 years. A priceless opportunity.
Since I have been deemed the most emotional of the family and now (according to Mom and Bree, feel free to raise your hands in disagreement on this one siblings) the most emotionally dependent upon my parents...this has been a bit of an emotional ride for me since their first interview with Elder Nelson a few months ago. I've had moments of real struggle as I contemplated 3 years.  But as my parents shared with us some of the details of their interview with President Uchtdorf and words he spoke to them of the confirmation received in the temple, I really can't feel anything but a greater love for the gospel, gratefulness for missionary work, that same missionary work that brought my Dad to the church 47 years ago, I feel my testimony strengthened already and comforted by the Spirit. It will be hard and very sad at times, we will miss them very much, words really can't express. But I feel an excitement for all of us to have the example of my parents serving our Heavenly Father with such faith and sacrifice. Our knowledge and appreciation for service will be strong and our testimonies will grow. As Elder Nelson said, there's nothing better to help a testimony grow then little children praying each night for their grandparents on a mission. Lives will be blessed. Those are some very lucky missionaries, their work will be supported, their lives touched and their needs cared for.  I know in return they will impact my parents in a way that will forever change them. What an exciting adventure.

So now we wait...we wait to see where they will be sent. I almost feel I should put an asterisk at the end of that paragraph indicating that this new found comfort only applies if they go within the states. We'll find out in February.

We're so proud of you. We're so GRATEFUL for you. We love you so much.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Night

Halloween is quickly becoming one of my most favorite holidays!
Introducing... Dinner in a Pumpkin to Emma and Chris
A Grandma's special final touch...lipstick and blush!The frenzy of pre-trick-or-treating photos...and we were still missing a few!And finally...some Trick-or-Treating!
The Monkey Man...I finally got to experience this and come to understand Jacy's obsession with scaring the little ones. It took Emma about 1 millisecond to run as fast as she could in the opposite direction. I felt horrible at the time but by tonight I am already thinking about next year!This is where the sugar started kicking in...And this is where it had completely and fully taken over. The kids were literally bouncing off the walls . Literally.We hope everyone had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Until next year...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


FHE Arizona Style

Monday night we met up with Alisa and Jacy's families for FHE at Westgate. It was a perfect AZ night and a highlight of the trip so far. AND a definite step in the right direction for the Shepherd FHE's. Any guesses on what dad is doing with the kids?!

Love these ladies! Love this family.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Fun

Well Bree would be proud...we've managed to stretch out the Halloween fun to 2 weeks. Here's week #1...

I was really excited for this...we missed it last year and I kept imagining a cool crisp fall day picking out pumpkins. Sadly, it was 95 degrees outside. Happily, Emma picked out the first pumpkin she saw, one for her and one for sister, and we were in and out of there in 20minutes. Would have been 10 but she discovered these tents with drums inside. I was happy for some shade.

Welling Halloween Party
This was definitely not a disappointment! Everything was so great and I was excited to be able to celebrate Halloween with friends before heading out to Arizona to celebrate with family! Emma was excited to finally wear her costume out and I couldn't wait to see my butterfly and caterpillar together! Thank you Welling family. And a special thanks to Emma for being the party photographer!
Arizona, Arizona, Arizona!! I love coming here. As much as I do come here, it has been 10 years since my last Halloween in AZ, yes...I am old and that became crystal clear at the parents Trunk-or-Treat when the little girls I remember as toddlers were very unfamiliar teenagers. Nonetheless, it was a great night. This is Emma's first year getting to actually Trick-or-Treat and she was not let down, either was I. As cautious as she is with strangers...if she had to go up and say those 3 magic words to get a piece of candy, she was going to do it. She followed her older cousins around and was amazed at all this candy that was now hers. I was amazed at my baby who is now officially a big girl.