Monday, September 14, 2009

1st Day of Preschool

Well I think Mom put it best, could I have ever imagined the day Emma would be excited to go to Preschool, the same Emma that likes me within 1 foot of her at all times. But she LOVED it! And was excited for days before. The very first words she said as we walked out, "I had so much fun. I love preschool". She talked on about Miss Kristin's cat and the book, Stinky Dog and hearing about all the kid's Halloween costumes. I know it's just Preschool, but for us it feels likes a big milestone! It is amazing how fast time goes.
I have to give huge thanks to my friend Lynn who made this bow for Emma's first day. It made her feel so special! Thanks Lynn.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trojan Family

I forgot how much I love USC. As a family, we went up to LA to be on campus for the first game. Nothing like it. When the marching band came out for it's traditional game day performance in front of Heritage Hall I was definitely proud. I am proud to be a Trojan.

...and happy for Chris that it's College Football season...his favorite time of the year.

Labor Day

(As a side note... Labor Day is about the only holiday not blocked off for Cal Select Season Pass holders and for good reason. I'll just say this- we pretty much walked right onto the Dumbo ride)

Thursday, September 3, 2009


This picture just makes me smile...
These little girls are each one of a kind! But together they make the perfect pair! Their conversations range from who Tinkerbell's daddy is to iridescent eggs. On this day they were headed to Cowboy Town...
Princess dress up clothes paired with an Easter hat talking in a southern accent about going to cowboy town?! Entertaining to say the least. I love little girls!