Sunday, February 28, 2010


It's official. My baby is all grown up. She loves being a Sunbeam, her eyes could not get any bigger as she listens to the lesson, flips through her scriptures and sings the songs. And I get to a have a front row seat to this each week! The last weekend of January, she had her first Primary Activity, her first time singing in Sacrament, and her first prayer in Primary! It is official.
(Isn't this a great pose!? She's a natural.)
P.S. And to top it all off, Taylor is finally going to Nursery... happy! I'm sure it has nothing to do with her teachers filling the room with balloons each week!!

1 comment:

brianne said...

That is so awesome that you get to be with Emma each Sunday. She must love that.

And that last picture of Tay...drunken sailor walk?